Pet Sitter Scam

Pet Sitter Scam

Having Fun With a Scammer Here’s a recent twist on an age old scam directed towards pet sitters that you should be aware of. I imagine it could be used on just about any type of service and I mention it here because there are many professional pooper scooper companies...
Doggy Dun It Pick-Up Scoop

Doggy Dun It Pick-Up Scoop

Every so often I get to have the pleasure of testing or trying out new contraptions and devices designed to make our lives easier, especially when it comes to dog poop. Having been in the business for over 25 years, I have become somewhat of an authority on the...
Scooping Poop For More Than Residential Clients

Buying a Scoop Business

  If you’re purchasing or have been offered to purchase an existing scooping company, coming up with a purchase price can be challenging. As a buyer, you want to buy for a little as possible. As a seller, you want to sell for as much as you can. When negotiating...