by TimTheScooper | Sep 23, 2021 | pet sitting
Having Fun With a Scammer Here’s a recent twist on an age old scam directed towards pet sitters that you should be aware of. I imagine it could be used on just about any type of service and I mention it here because there are many professional pooper scooper companies...
by TimTheScooper | Sep 23, 2021 | pooper scooper products
Every so often I get to have the pleasure of testing or trying out new contraptions and devices designed to make our lives easier, especially when it comes to dog poop. Having been in the business for over 25 years, I have become somewhat of an authority on the...
by TimTheScooper | Sep 14, 2021 | dog poop pick up business, pet waste removal business
Are you limiting your pooper scooper service to just residential clients? dog poop sign imageFor nearly two weeks each July, Scoop Masters Dog Poop Pick Up Service travels to whatever city the American Council of the Blind holds their national conference. Our main...
by TimTheScooper | Sep 8, 2021 | general business
This is the second time I got sued in the pooper scooper business. Twice in 26 years isn’t too bad though. The first time was back in 1990 or so. It was a simple enough mistake, sort of. I was contracted by customer to do a one time clean up and then a regular weekly...
by TimTheScooper | Sep 8, 2021 | dog poop pick up business, general business, pet waste removal business
Almost inevitably the answer to the question “how much should I charge for pooper scooper service?” is “just a little bit lower than the competition.” At least if you’re new to the business. In my book, The Professional Scoop Master I address this in a more practical...
by TimTheScooper | Sep 8, 2021 | dog poop pick up business
Caring for a senior pet can get expensive fast. In what seems like the blink of an eye, your pet transforms from a rambunctious puppy or kitten into a gray-faced pet struggling to get around. With your pet’s senior status comes new needs and health issues that can...
by TimTheScooper | Sep 8, 2021 | dog poop pick up business
Your pet brings you unimaginable joy. The pet fur on your furniture, not so much. Luckily, you can have the best of both worlds: a happy, healthy pup and a clean home at the same time. Best of all, you don’t have to break the bank to do it. From pet-safe cleaning...
by TimTheScooper | Sep 6, 2021 | dog poop pick up business
You’ve found your new best friend, and you want to ensure you give him the very best care. In addition to a loving home, snuggly bed, healthy food and plenty of toys, you’ll want to have an extra layer of help as you navigate the world of pet ownership. Now, thanks to...
by TimTheScooper | Sep 6, 2021 | dog poop pick up business
If you’re purchasing or have been offered to purchase an existing scooping company, coming up with a purchase price can be challenging. As a buyer, you want to buy for a little as possible. As a seller, you want to sell for as much as you can. When negotiating...
by TimTheScooper | Sep 6, 2021 | dog poop pick up business
Welcome to my site! My name is Timothy Stone and I’ve been in the Pooper Scooper business since 1988. Some may think I was a pioneer in this industry, but I know there were at least 5 other companies before mine. Kind of hard to tell since this was pre- internet....